Gooroo helps you connect with five-star tutors for your learning needs outside the classroom. Whether it’s to ace the next test, to improve your grades, or to learn a new skill, we are here to help you succeed.
Instead of spending hours searching for tutors and asking around for recommendations, Gooroo does all the work for you! Your satisfaction is guaranteed - we only match you with tutors that suit your learning needs and learning style. All Gooroo tutors are fully vetted for academic and teaching excellence.
With the Gooroo student app, you can easily manage your learning on the go:
- Talk to your tutors anytime with Gooroo Messenger
- Manage your sessions wherever you are: check your upcoming session schedule, book future sessions, reschedule your sessions and more!
- Read feedback from tutors after each session
- Manage your Gooroo membership
Already a Gooroo member? Download this app.
Not a member yet? Go to and look for your best tutor match today!